Shandong Ribang new energy technology co., Ltd., the nations of jaguar land rover certification fully synthetic turbine oil STJLR.03.5004 product production workshop in China configuration Siemens otomatiki harmonic system uye zvizere otomatiki kuzadza kugadzira mutsara, kutenderera kuti ive nechokwadi chemhando yechigadzirwa. Kambani yedu ndeye jaguar land rover certification yakazara synthetic turbine mafuta STJLR. 03.5004 vagadziri uye vatengesi.
Jaguar land rover certification yakanyatsogadzirwa mafuta eturbine STJLR.03.5004 ye jaguar land rover oil depot certification.
Jaguar land rover certification yakanyatsogadzirwa STJLR turbine mafuta. Iyo yakazara synthesis ye03.5004 kushandiswa kwehunyanzvi hwepamusoro.
Oiri ine yakaderera sarufa phosphorus yakaderera ash formula + inodhura zirconium, inovandudza hupfumi hwemafuta uye kuenderana zviri nani neanopedza gasi mushure mekurapa masisitimu.
Jaguar land rover certification yakazara synthetic turbine oil STJLR.03.5004 kuwedzera nguva yekuchinja oiri, kubvisa kabhoni deposition, inhibit sludge, kurebesa hupenyu hwesevhisi ye transmitter.
Product parameters:
brand |
Day state |
Nhamba yechinyorwa |
LH 5W-20 |
API level |
Factory certification |
Viscosity giredhi |
5W-20 |
Kugadzika kwemafuta ekuzora |
Mafuta einjini akazara |
mavambo |
China |
specifications |
1L |
Kushandisa range |
Injini ye peturu |